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Gamescom 2024 - A landmark Event

Person playing Beat Slayer

For the first time, we showcased five incredible titles simultaneously, also marking our debut as a publisher.🎉

We’re still beyond excited to publish "Let Them Trade" and "Tile Rush". A special thanks to the Spaceflower and Sparrow Games dev teams for their awesome and strong presence at our booth. Your passion and creativity truly shone through.

Our own games—"Solnox - Grimoire of Seasons", "Beat Slayer", and the newly announced "Net.Attack()"—also garnered a ton of attention and positive feedback from the crowd. It was as always an amazing experience to share our work with so many enthusiastic players and collect plenty of valuable feedback.

We were thrilled by the interest shown in the B2B area, where we had numerous fruitful appointments, laying the groundwork for exciting future collaborations.

Additionally, the B2C area was buzzing with more than just players eager to try out our games as plenty of press representatives stopped by our booth for interviews, giving us a fantastic opportunity to share our vision with a broader audience.

A huge thank you to our incredible colleagues who managed the booths tirelessly. Your hard work ensured everything ran smoothly and made this event such a success.

Shoutout to all our friends, colleagues and cooperation partners that we’ve met and were able to chat with. It’s always great to see you in person and what would Gamescom be without having the gaming industry “school-trip” feeling. 

It was a great, albeit exhausting, Gamescom, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds as these new opportunities blossom!

Thank you all for your support and stay tuned for more exciting news in the future!

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